If Dr Seuss Was a Street Fighter Fan – Sagat’s Book

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sagat street fighter dr seuss I can uppercut 30 tigers today

Maybe I have lost it, but as a father of a 3 year old, I would love to see Street Fighter Characters in Dr. Seuss Books. So I’m making it happen.

My Parody of “I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today” features Sagat, naturally.

This book would teach the important lesson of the dangers of hubris, as the proud Sagat would realize that he had bit off more than he could chew after bragging about being able to uppercut 30 tigers that day.

But…..it could also go another way, as @sd71000 shared his own story, inspired by the cover:

I can uppercut 30 tigers today, with 30 Tiger Uppercuts in 3 different ways.

10 I will uppercut with a Weak Button
10 I will uppercut till they are nothing
10 I will uppercut as they jump along
And 30 tigers I will uppercut till they’re gone.

You will uppercut no tigers today, “No Tiger Uppercuts!” 30 tigers say.
“30 tigers are more than what you can take,
Even if you had 30 Rounds and no mistakes!
“You will be a meal before you press the Y button!
Come! Let us eat to our fill of Sagat mutton!”

“I am no mutton!” Sagat did then say, “TIGER UPPERCUT!
Move out of my way!
The words you say are merely to delay

“I will uppercut 30 tigers today!”

And so the tigers scattered, Were battered, and fell, Tiger Uppercuts breaking them like eggshells, And sure enough, Sagat, with no further delay,
Did uppercut 30 tigers that day.

How’s that for a great story?

A special thank you to @sd71000 via Twitter for the above story – you rock!

@sd71000 is a gamer since he could watch his parents play Atari and Coleco. He writes for fun in his spare time, songs, short stories and is apparently doing a Twitter-posted comedy screenplay… which he hopes Matt Damon never finds out about. He is also is a Nintendo man, but grew up with Sega Genesis and PS1 and 2.


I’ll be doing a cover for each of the World Warriors in the near future, but let me know your thoughts in the comment below.

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss Book?

4 Responses

  1. lohocla

    That was pretty cool! I’m a huge Street Fighter fan, having been a 90’s arcade kid. I practically lived there and spent hundreds of dollars despite having consoles at home. I also grew up on Dr. Seuss via my grandmother. Props to @sd71000 for that wonderful combination!

    • Jon

      Thank you! @sd71000 is a real stand up guy. I hear you on the arcade scene – sad that they just don’t exist the way they used to. Fun times!

  2. Carmen

    Genious idea! My favorite book is one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.