Video Game Quotes: Assassin’s Creed

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Educate them. Teach them right from wrong. It must be knowledge that frees them, not force.

Altair, Assassin’s Creed

You know that saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink?”

Just today I was listening to an episode of Dan Pink’s Podcast, where he interview the Heath brothers about their book Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work.

During this interview, the idea came up that many individuals will resist choices being made for them, but they are less likely to resist being given a process to make a choice.

Knowledge is power. It takes away vulnerability.

It does not matter if you are buying a car, having an operation performed, or launching a business venture – vulnerability can skew your decision making. Vulnerability most feels like fear.

That’s why we research big choices. It’s why we read how many 5 Star (or 1 Star) reviews a product has on Amazon before we buy.

It’s why we don’t get married on our first date.

Of course, knowing right from wrong does not mean we will always make a good choice, but it sure helps to be informed.

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