James C. Rosser, Jr., MD, FACS is a surgeon, educator, scientist, inventor, author, futurist, social advocate, television personality, playwright, video gamer, comic book collector, lover of cinema, and self proclaimed terminal twelve year old.
Join us as we discuss:
- How he got the nick name “The Nintendo Surgeon”
- Confronting the erroneous methods of “research” that is often used to connect video games to negative traits
- The moral imperative tied to video games
- How video games transcend learning styles and empower knowledge transfer
- What is Stealth Learning and how it can be used to accelerate learning
- Dr. Rosser’s study on how playing video games like Super Monkey Ball can actually improve speed and reduce errors in laproscopic surgery
- Why even serious games need to include fun
- And more!
Dr Rosser’s Book: Playin’ to Win: A Surgeon, Scientist and Parent Examines the Upside of Video Games
Dr. Rosser’s Research Paper: The Impact of Video Games on Training Surgeons in the 21st Century
Also available on Amazon :
Buy Mastering The Game: What Video Games Can Teach Us About Success In Life
Intro/Outtro: Playing With Power by Fantomenk, used with permission.
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