Don’t Miss the Best Bubble Bobble Remix Ever Made

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bubble bobble tribute 7bit hero

I’ve always had music tastes that were a bit outside the popular music scope – sadly there are many groups that I love whose names would draw blank stares from many strangers (and most of my friends, too).

I’m O.K. with that, except that often the very talented individuals behind the music deserve far more attention than is often granted.

I better stop before I start really sounding like some kind of arrogant hipster (no offense to the arrogant hipsters out there).

So here’s the deal – last week I was made aware of an awesome remix by 7Bit Hero on (I site that I have recommended in the past – see my post on their outstanding Final Fantasy VI Tribute here).

This time around, the immensely nostalgic theme from Bubble Bobble gets an unrivaled Bitpop/synthpop makeover that is infectious as anything I have listened to in recent years.

But if the love and tribute present in the song were not enough, a profound and emotional story is told in epic fashion through the music video – check it out below, then go download the song for whatever price you want (Or keep replaying the video for another 47 times like…me…or, I mean, someone I know…yeah).

Best Bubble Bobble Remix. Ever.

Go check out the band’s page here, since the rest of their music is just as totally rockin’ – trust me, you will be glad that you did.

Do you have a favorite music find in the past couple months? Please share below.