Why did you give up?
Have you even been pursuing a dream or a passion, only to have someone shoot it down?
It can be crushing to give up on a dream. Fear can take many forms. We all have different reasons for why we might call it quits, but the worst reason is giving up because of what others might think.
So what if you they don’t like what you have to say – you may lose a fan, but you’ll keep your dream.
Be relentless. Like Space Invaders.
Back in college I had short lived dreams of being a graphic artist. Drawing used to be my number one hobby. Growing up, every time my family went for a ride in the car, I would take along a clipboard with blank paper and my set of pencils. In the afternoons when my family took their daily nap, I would stay up drawing. In the evening while the family gathered in the living room, I would be drawing, often ignoring the TV just to finish up a sketch.
In high school, I spent almost as much time drawing, and maybe even more time once I discovered Photoshop on the computer. I even placed 1st in the state during my Junior year in the FACCS competition, in the category of Digital Media. While in college, I took a part time job as a graphic artist with a local start up company – but it did not look like I hoped it would. Suddenly my hobby became a hassle. I spent most of my time undoing my vision for a particular project, and redoing things to match my bosses’ ideas. The final product was not as dynamic or as interesting as where I tried to take things. When I would get home, I just felt so discouraged that drawing was the last thing I wanted to do.
So I gave up.
So ended my career in the digital arts.
But it does now have to stop there. As you may have noticed, it would appear that I have found a way to keep my “hobby” alive.
Street Fighter Books as Dr. Seuss Might Have Drawn Them
Don’t let others opinions keep you from pursuing your passions, or even making a career out of it. While we may regret some things that we do, more often we regret things that we wanted to do but did not.
Don’t live a life wondering what might have been – get clear on what matters most, focus relentlessly on this, and get moving!
Is there some thing you have been working on and have given up – that maybe you need to start back up again? I’d love it if you shared your comments and thought with me below.

Life. Leadership. Videogames.
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