“Do not be sorry…
…be better!”
Kratos, God of War (2018)
So…it’s been a while. I could apologize for not posting an update in almost a year, but
In the future, I will write more about the lessons we can learn from the latest God of War game (which I actually loved), but for now I want to assure that Kratos eventually takes his own advice.
So what about us? This quote inspires me to do my very best on the things that I am working on, so that I don’t have to apologize for missing the mark. If for some reason I don’t achieve the results that I want, I just remind myself to do better next time. It does not mean dismissing a poor attitude or excusing substandard work, but rather holding myself to a higher standard, then coming up with a plan for what I will do next time to “be better.”
Until next time, keep leveling up!