iconoclasts video game quotes mina

Video Game Quotes: Iconoclasts

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iconoclasts video game quotes mina

“If we all stay content, nothing will change.”

– Mina

If you enjoy Metroidvania style games, awesome boss fights, and beautiful games, I highly recommend Iconoclasts by Joakim Sandberg, aka Konjak. I’ve had a blast playing it on my Sony Playstation Vita (it’s also available on PC & PS4, and maybe another popular platform soon…).

Now on to the quote…

Perhaps you can relate to Iconoclasts character Mina: you are dissatisfied with something about the world today, or even frustrated by a personal situation.

Maybe the people around you don’t see what the big deal is.

So why don’t things change?

Because, on some level, we’re content. We’re “comfortable” at least, comfortable enough that we don’t seek to change anything.

Change is scary, difficult, and messy. But often necessary.

What do you need to change today?

And what is the first step to making that change?


For move Video Game quotes and life lessons from video games, check out my book Mastering the Game: What Video Games Can Teach Us About Success In Life.